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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东司法警官职业学院

出  处: 《辽宁公安司法管理干部学院学报》 2019年第3期77-81,共5页

摘  要: 罪犯职业技术教育社会化就是把罪犯职业技术教育融入社会,由各级政府主导和统筹社会力量,充分利用各种社会资源,共同做好罪犯职业技术教育工作,以切实提高罪犯职业技术教育质量。目前我国罪犯职业技术教育发展还缺乏一定的支撑,社会化程度不高,不能满足罪犯回归社会后的就业需要。构建一个统一、高效,与社会发展相适应的“罪犯职业技术教育联盟”,从而促进罪犯职业技术教育向更高质量发展,有利于减少重新犯罪。积极探索合理而有效的路径,实现罪犯职业技术教育体系、教育目标、教育手段、教育活动、教育管理、教育考核和教育评价社会化,让罪犯职业技术教育成为真正意义上的教育改造重要手段,将教育改造成果转化并服务于经济社会发展,可助推监狱工作改革发展和国家治理体系建设。 The socialization of the vocational and technical education for criminals is to integrate the vocational and technical education for criminals into society.Governments at all levels lead and coordinate social forces,make full use of various social resources,and work together to improve the vocational and technical education for criminals,so as to effectively improve the quality of education.At present,the development of vocational and technical education for criminals in China still lacks certain support,and the degree of socialization is not high enough to meet the employment needs of criminals after returning to society.Build a unified and efficient “alliance of vocational and technical education for criminals” that is compatible with social development,so as to promote the development of vocational and technical education for criminals to a higher quality,and help reduce recidivism.Actively explore a reasonable and effective path to achieve the socialization of vocational and technical education system,educational goals,educational methods,educational activities,education management,education assessment and educational evaluation,so that the vocational and technical education for criminals becomes an important means of educational transformation in the true sense.Transforming educational achievements and serving economic and social development can boost the reform and development of prison work and the construction of the national governance system.

关 键 词: 罪犯 职业技术教育 社会化

分 类 号: [DF87]

领  域: []


