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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳技术大学

出  处: 《艺术设计研究》 2015年第2期94-99,共6页

摘  要: 新技术正在从根本上改变我们的社会日常生活,其中20世纪末数字化技术的发展和成就引发的电子技术和数字化媒体的兴起与普及,例如赛博空间借助譬如超媒体、信息技术、虚拟现实、人机界面、电脑游戏等多种显现方式正在构成人类对环境空间概念的重新定义与反思。从非物质设计观引发的数字化赛博空间到参数化设计的出现,交叉研究方法的成功与视觉形态化的迷失,最终智能环境成为一种多学科协同交互体验的未来,使得后现代的多元化特征为当代以万维网为标志的数字革命影响下的这一全新的全球共存互联的关系提供了可能性,这种虚拟性从技术到产品之间发生的重大的变化使得人类身份的开放性和赛博空间的虚拟现实特质作为人与人、人与机器的多媒体多元互动的图像空间得到了真正的表现,并极大程度地引发了我们对交流信息为主体的数字化参与的环境设计空间关系提供了新的思考。科学发展的最终目标是要完整而深刻地理解人、社会和自然,因此必须从整体性、联结性和系统性的角度去关注现实。因而在研究当前时代背景下所面临的问题就必然需要以一种系统联系性的跨学科研究设计观去作为尝试解决问题的途径,而基于生命多样性下多学科融合的研究型设计则展现了未来智能环境的可能性。 New technologies are transforming our society everyday, the rise and popularity among the development and achievements of the 20 th century digital technology triggered electronic technology and digital media, such as cyberspace by means such as hypermedia, information technology, virtual reality, people variety show style machine interface, computer games constitute a human being redefined to reflect the environmental space concept.Diversification of modern design concept from the intangible triggered digital cyberspace to appear parametric design, the success of research methods and visual cross form of lost, ultimately the future of smart environment as a multidisciplinary collaborative interactive experience, so that the rear. This new relationship under interconnected global coexistence characteristic of contemporary web-marked influence of the digital revolution offers the possibility of significant changes between this virtual product from the technical to occur so that the openness of human identity and virtual reality space qualities as human beings, pluralistic and interactive multimedia machine image space had real performance, and led us to a great extent on the exchange of information as the main figures involved in the environmental design of spatial relations provides new thinking. The ultimate goal is to complete the scientific development and a deep understanding of people, society and nature, it is necessary to pay attention to the reality of the holistic, and systematic coupling angle. Thus in the study of current problems facing the next background necessarily need to be a system contact of interdisciplinary research as a design concept to try ways to solve the problem, but the diversity of life under multi-disciplinary integration of research based on the show the possibility of future intelligent environments.

关 键 词: 数字时代 参数化设计 非物质 智能环境 跨学科研究

分 类 号: [J59]

领  域: []


