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作  者: ;

机构地区: 生态环境部华南环境科学研究所

出  处: 《生态环境学报》 2009年第3期1189-1193,共5页

摘  要: 我国的环境保护工作虽已经历了从末端污染治理到全程管理的转变,对遏制环境污染发挥了一定作用,但作为经济制约型的环境战略,它具有很大的被动性和局限性。面对新时期的环境压力,要在总体上扭转工业革命以来依赖向自然索取乃至掠夺来维持发展的惯性思维与行动,就必须解放思想,创新环境发展战略。文章提出了主动引导发展的环境战略,并从改变发展空间布局,转变经济发展模式,转变居民生活方式与引导对外合作公平利用全球环境资源等四个相互协调、有机联系的层面,搭建起连接人类经济活动与环境质量之间鸿沟的桥梁,从而使宏观战略转变成可操作的实施方法。我国的环境管理必须实施主动引导发展的战略转变,以调控发展为核心来解决环境问题,实现自然与社会的和谐与可持续发展。当前,我国已开始沿着这一方向前进,但实施主动引导发展环境战略的征途仍然任重而道远。为此,我们必须系统地研究支撑人类不断进取与可持续发展的全球生态环境新的平衡秩序;研究对自然资源依赖度持续下降的经济发展模式、产品结构与生产方式;研究全人类共同公平享受包括生态环境、商品市场与社会福利的社会发展方向,以及多文化共存的社会结构与制度政策。 Environmental protection work in China has experienced the change from end-of-pipe pollution treatment to whole proc- ess management which has certain effect on restraining environmental pollution. However, as an economy-restricted environmental strategy, it is passive and limited. Under the great environmental pressures in the new period, it is imperative for us to open our minds and innovate our strategy of environmental protection. The article puts forward environmental strategy of actively leading development consisting of four co-related aspects of changing the spatial distribution of development, changing the mode of eco- nomic development, changing the life style of people and expanding external cooperation for fair use of global environmental re- sources, which will bridge the gap between human activity and environmental quality, and realize the implementation of micro envi- ronmental strategy in practical ways. Environmental management in China should seek strategic change to actively leading develop- ment in pursuit of addressing the environmental issues by active regulation of development, so as to realize the harmonious and sus- tainable development of nature and human society. China is now marching forward in the direction of innovative environmental strategy of actively leading development, but there is still a long way to go. The authors propose future research focuses on estab- lishing new order of global eco-environment that sustains human development, probing economic development modes with continu- ously reduced rely on natural resources, building a fair society that all people share eco-environment, commodity market and social welfare, etc, and developing social structures and management systems that allow co-existence of multi-cultures.

关 键 词: 环境管理 引导发展 战略创新

分 类 号: [X32]

领  域: []


