作 者: ;
机构地区: 生态环境部华南环境科学研究所
出 处: 《改革与战略》 2010年第3期105-108,共4页
摘 要: "十一五"期间,国家从科学发展的角度提出了主体功能区战略,要推进落实这一战略需要各项政策的配套。文章在回顾我国环境规划的发展历程及分析现有环境规划存在的不足的基础上,结合主体功能区的内涵及对环境规划的需求,指出应实现环境规划战略的转变。 In the "Eleventh Five-year Plan", the strategy of major function-oriented zone are put forward, to realize this strategy, relevant policies are need. On the basis of retrospect of the development of environment planning in China, some limitations about environment planning are pointed out. According to the requirements for carrying out the strategy of major function-oriented zone, some suggestions are given.
分 类 号: [F123.6]
领 域: []