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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《公共行政评论》 2015年第1期29-52,共24页

摘  要: 论文借鉴政策执行综合模型,利用我国30个省份2007—2011年排污费征收面板数据,对排污费征收政策执行力影响因素的理论模型进行实证检验。研究显示:单位GDP能耗越高、化学需氧量减排目标越高,地方政府满足中央政策目标压力越大;财政分权程度越大,排污费带给地方政府的可支配收入增加;政府政策执行机构数量、环境宣教次数和排污费标准办法细则,以上六个变量都与排污费征收政策执行力呈显著正相关。企业治污成本与排污费征收政策执行力呈负相关。而空气污染指数、国家重点监控企业数量和环境来信来访总数未对排污费征收政策执行力产生显著影响。实证结果基本验证了问题难易程度、法规政策和非法规政策变量作为排污费征收政策执行力三大类影响因素的理论模型。 This paper explores the factors influencing the policy implementation of pollution levy. Using the Integrated Model of policy implementation,an empirical study on the theoretical model of the factors influencing the policy implementation of pollution levy was conducted. Panel data of the collection of pollutant discharge fees of 30 Chinese provinces from 2007 to 2011 are used. Research shows that when the energy consumption per unit of GDP and COD reduction target are both high,there is more pressure on the local government to achieve the central governments policy goals. Along with that,the higher the level of fiscal decentralization,the more disposable income from pollution levy goes to local government. Furthermore,the number of policy implementation agencies,environmental publicity and education campaigns,andpollution levy regulations,all had significant positive correlation with pollution levy execution. Enterprise pollution abatement costs are negatively related to pollution levy execution. But,neither the air pollution index,the number of national key monitoring enterprises,nor environment- related petitions had any significant correlation with pollution levy execution. Study results confirmed the utility of the integrated model of policy implementation in explaining pollution levy execution,especially factors related to problem severity,statutory environment and non- statutory environment.

关 键 词: 排污费 政策执行 综合模型 政策过程

分 类 号: [F49]

领  域: []


