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作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

出  处: 《当代财经》 2009年第6期15-20,共6页

摘  要: 从亚里士多德的归纳一演绎法、牛顿的公理方法、科学的假说一演绎观、归纳主义和实证主义,一直到证伪主义,这些科学哲学理论均要求利用“经验研究”的方法,对理论或结论进行经验验证或证实。而实证主义科学哲学所要求的科学理论公理化,导致“新古典经济学”中大量借助数学工具来建立理论模型,从而促进了数理经济学的发展。同时,实证主义所倡导的从外部对理论进行经验验证或证伪,则推动了经济学大量运用经济计量学的方法对理论进行检验。因此,利用经济计量的方法对现有理论或结论进行经验验证或证实的方法.应被称为“经验研究”。而非“实证研究”。 From Aristotle' s inductive-deductive method, Newton' s axiomatic method, the scientific hypothetic-deduetive method, inductivism and positivism, until Falsificationism, all these scientific and philosophical theories require the use of "experiential research" methods to confirm and verify the theories or conclusions. While the scientific philosophy of positivism requires the scientific theory to be axiomatic, resulting in the "neoclassic economics" with a large number of mathematical tools to create theoretical models, thus contributing to the development of mathematical economies. At the same time, the positivism advocates to validate or disconfirm the theories from the outside, which promotes extensive use of econometric methods to test theories in economics. Therefore, the method of using econometric methods to validate or confirm the existing theories or conclusions should be referred to as "experiential research" rather than "empirical research"

关 键 词: 经济学 实证研究 经验研究 规范研究 科学哲学

分 类 号: [F011]

领  域: []


