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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东省中医院

出  处: 《中国医院》 2013年第2期29-33,共5页

摘  要: 目的:研制一套基于中国本土文化的出院病人满意度量表。方法:在文献循证评价和专题小组讨论的基础上,从病人和医护人员两类人群进行指标重要性评价调查,从而拟定指标体系草案。遴选全国39名专业人士组成多学科专家组.采用德尔菲法对指标体系进行三轮咨询、采用层次分析法确定指标权重。采用积极系数、权威程度、协调程度气个指标检验专家浴询的可靠性。结果:三轮专家积做系数分别是72%、75%、86%;专家权威系数为0.81;变异系数随管咨询次数增加而逐渐减小,协调系数波动在0.37~0.57之间。三轮咨询后,专家意见趋于集中,最表有5个一级指标,28个二级指标。结论:专家意见协调程度高,结果可取,所研制的出院病人满意度量表可作为医院服务质量持续改进的评价工具。 Objeetiv,,To devehlop an discharged palient sadsfaetion seale matched Chinese culture. Methods: Based ou lilerature review and focus ,group diseussion, and ratings of the indieators importance among patienls and medlical stalls. A muhidiseiplhmry panel of 39 experts in Ihe field of medical managetlient, patient salisfaction practice and research partieipale'd in this study. A 3-round Delphi survey designed 1o obtain a eonsensus on the iurlieators of patlievlt ,satisfacliovi was completed by use of aevepted prc.locols. The' weights of the iudicators were' established by analytical hierrarehy process (AHP). The response rate, Cronbach' s α, trod the authority eoeffieiem of experts were used as a measure of reliabilily. The level of ;sgreemeul within each group was delermined by analysis using the Kendall ec.effieienl of coneordanee. Resuhs: The response rates of 3 vc, tmds were 72%, 75%, and 86%. The mlthorily coefficient of experts was 0.8 1. The coefficient of wu'iation reduced with the number gradually increased eonsultation. The Kendall' s W was range,t from 0.37 to 0.57. Following the 3 rounds. consensus was, achieved, and a set of iudieators were identifie, I, including 5 first-level, 28 seeond-level indicators. Conelusions: The expert eousultation has achieved reliable results. The established index system can be served as usefid instrument for the eonlitynuous improvement of quality of hospital services.

关 键 词: 病人满意度 量表 德尔菲法 层次分析 肯德尔和谐系数

分 类 号: [R197.3]

领  域: []


