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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东省青少年事业研究与发展中心

出  处: 《广州大学学报:社会科学版》 2017年第4期27-31,共5页

摘  要: 政府公信力的高低直接影响着社会的和谐稳定。互联网的迅猛发展使其成为了“思想文化信息的集散地和社会舆论的放大器”,政府必须时刻关注“民间舆论场”,掌握社会动态。而舆情危机的爆发往往会给政府的信用、权威以及政治的稳定带来威胁和挑战。但舆情危机在带来危害的同时也是提升政府公信力的契机。面对危机,政府可以从增强信息公开、促进官民沟通等方面入手,提高公众对政府的信任度和信赖感,为政府公信力的维护铺平道路。 The government' s credibility directly affects social harmony and stability. The rapid development of the Internet makes itself "the distribution center of ideological and cultural information and the amplifier of social public opinion". The government must constantly pay attention to the "civil public opinion field", to master the so- cial dynamics, while the outbreak of public opinion crisis tends to give the government credit and authority as well as the political stability of threats and challenges. However, the crisis of public opinion is also a chance to enhance the credibility of the government. Facing the crisis, the government can start with enhancing information disclosure and promoting communication between the government and the people. To improve the public' s trust and credibility is to pave the way for the maintenance of the government' s credibility.

关 键 词: 网络舆情 政府公信力 舆情危机 信息公开 官民沟通

分 类 号: [D63]

领  域: []


