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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国工商银行股份有限公司广东省分行

出  处: 《金融论坛》 2010年第8期63-68,共6页

摘  要: 授信方案管理是授信额度管理的发展和深化,其不仅能有效防范企业的信贷风险,更能在银行信贷结构调整中发挥重要作用,主要体现在如下方面:变事后调整为事前控制,化被动调整为主动调整,化刚性调控为柔性策略,变额度管理为方案服务,实现信贷资产的流动性管理。文章结合不同企业的案例,提出了建立授信方案的相关建议:树立为防范风险和增加收益服务的理念;建立客户经理团队和风险经理团队共同参与的贷前平行作业机制;建立预警与反应机制,提高对客户风险的敏感性;加强授信方案的执行力度及检查工作。 The management of credit granting program is the development and deepening of the management of credit granting amount. It can not only effectively prevent enterprise's credit risk, but also, in the structural adjustment of bank's credit, play an important role mainly in the following: to change the adjustment after the event for the adjustment before the event, the passive adjustment for the active adjustment, the rigid regulation for the flexible strategies, the amount management for the program services and to realize the liquidity management of credit assets. In combination with different business eases, the paper gives suggestions to make credit program: setting the concept to service controlling risks and increasing benefits, building the parallel and pre-loan operation mechanism in which the team of customer manager and the team of risk management manager participate, establishing the early-warning and response mechanism, increasing the sensitivity to customer risk, strengthening the enforcement and inspection of credit granting programs.

关 键 词: 商业银行 授信管理 授信方案 信贷结构 结构调整

分 类 号: [F830.33]

领  域: []


