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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国工商银行股份有限公司广东省分行

出  处: 《南方金融》 2008年第7期 17-20,共4页

摘  要: 随着国内外经济形势和出口加工贸易型企业所面临的市场与政策环境的变化,近年来因两头在外企业资金链断裂或恶意逃废债而形成的信贷风险事件时有发生,给银行的信贷资产质量与风险管理带来了巨大的压力。本文通过研究两头在外企业形成的原因与经营特点,探索两头在外企业的信贷风险所在,并结合当前经济形势,提出如何采取防范措施,促进银行业务健康稳健发展。 With the development of international and domestic economic environment and the change of market and policy faced by processing export companies, the breaking of asset chain and malicious default risk of double-overseas companies ( to import materials from overseas and to export its products overseas ) has been witnessed sometimes in the recent years, which brings huge pressure to the loan quality and the risk management of commercial banks. This paper studies the reason of double-overseas company formation and its operational features,, probes into the credit risk of double-overseas companies, and after taking into account the current economic situation, raises measures for further risk prevention and promotion of health development of banking service,

关 键 词: 两头在外企业 商业银行 风险管理

分 类 号: [F830]

领  域: []


