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作  者: ;

机构地区: 嘉应学院

出  处: 《艺术探索》 2018年第4期49-60,共12页

摘  要: 依据母形基本样式,两汉时期画像砖石上发现的山石图像可分为三角形、半圆形、“工”形、“山”形及其他形等五种不同类型,每种类型又可划分为若干相互联系而有区别的形式。这些山石形象在艺术风格上存在着陕北晋中、鲁西南与苏皖北、四川、河南等四个区域性特征,形态上体现出“写实到符号再到写实”的变化规律,特别是昆仑山形象的程式化演变历程非常明显。 According to the basic shape of the rock itself, the images of the rocks found on the bricks in the periods of two Han Dynasties can be divided into triangle, semicircle, "l -shaped","E type" and other five different types, and each type can be divided into several forms that are interconnected and differentiated. In terms of artistic style, it can be seen that these rocks show four regional characteristics: North of Shaanxi and Center of Shanxi, Southwest of Shandong and north of Jiangsu and Anhui, Sichuan, and Henan, and the patterns changed from the "first realism, then symbolism, realism at the end", especially the Kunlun mountains image whose stylized evolution is very obvious.

关 键 词: 两汉 画像砖石 山石图像

分 类 号: [J120.9]

领  域: []


