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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳技术大学

出  处: 《汕头大学学报:人文社会科学版》 2016年第6期116-125,共10页

摘  要: 21世纪是互联网世纪,最重要的双边关系就是中美关系,21世纪互联网时代中美关系何去何从?这个问题不仅具有理论价值,而且具有现实意义,是关乎全球利益的重大问题。新的世界政治经济格局、中美共享式发展,以及中西文明在碰撞中融合三大因素,奠定了中美合作共赢关系的基本轨迹;同时,分析了中美博弈的三种模式,得出的结论是:建立新型中美关系的要点是角色定位清晰,美国要发挥“火车头”作用,中国要发挥“稳压器”作用,互联网对于巩固中美关系发挥着重要作用,中美网络空间的合作领域有待进一步拓展,互联网时代能缔造中美双赢的未来与全球共赢的未来。 The 21st century is the century, the Internet is the most important bilateral relationshipsof china-us relations, pay more attention its direction.New world political and economic pattern,economy and culture of China and the United States Shared development, as well as Chineseand western cultural fusion of three major factors in the collision, laid the basic path of win-wincooperation relationship of China and the United States;At the same time, analyzes the three modesof the game.This paper concluded that: to establish a new type of sino-us relations is the main pointsof the clear their orientation, to play a role of "engine" in the United States, China will play a role of"stabilizer", the Internet for stability and promote the development of china-us relations has playedan important role, and constantly expand the cooperation areas of the network space, the age of theInternet to create a win-win future of China and the United States and the global win-win future.

关 键 词: 中美关系 博弈 双赢未来 新型大国关系

分 类 号: [G20]

领  域: []


