作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东技术师范大学
出 处: 《情报探索》 2014年第7期92-95,共4页
摘 要: 分析了当前我国高校图书馆印刷型图书流通策略存在的不足,从流通类型、读者类型、借阅、续借、预约等方面.提出结合当前数字图书馆建设大环境,创新角色类型模式、全流通模式、动态等级模式、大数量权限法、无限续借制度、积分式预约制度等流通策略,以期提高图书馆的整体办馆效益。 The paper analyzes current deficiencies of printed books circulation strategy in university library in China, and from aspects of circulation type, reader type, book borrowing, book renewing, book reservation, etc., proposes that university library should combine with current environment of digital library construction to innovate printed books circulation strategy, including role type mode, full circulation mode, book classification and dynamically adjusting mode, permission to borrow a large number of book, unlimited book renewing rule, and points system for book reservation, so as to improve library's benefits.
分 类 号: [G251.5]
领 域: []