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作  者: ;

机构地区: 韶关学院

出  处: 《经济地理》 2011年第4期631-635,654共6页

摘  要: 全球价值链网络是经济全球化的重要组织方式。嵌入全球价值链是欠发达地区产业升级的必要条件而非充分条件。在分析韶关汽车零部件产业链特征和嵌入全球价值链地位的基础上,认为韶关汽车零部件产业可借助政府、品牌整车及其骨干零部件企业、科研院所和中介组织四种力量,构建零部件产业集群和区域创新体系,快速嵌入珠三角价值链,并推进价值链的国际化延伸,以全球价值链嵌入跟随式和自主创新式并举的模式实现产业升级。 Global value chain networks is an important organization of economic globalization.To embed global value chains is necessary for industrial upgrading in the developing regions,but not sufficient condition.Based on the analysis of the Shaoguan’s auto components and parts chain characteristics and the status of the GVCs,the Shaoguan’s auto components and parts industry that can achieve industrial upgrading depend on the four forces,the Government,brand vehicles and its key components and parts enterprises,universities and research institutes,and intermediary organizations,building the auto components and parts clusters and the regional innovation system,fast embedded PRD value chain and promote the international extension of the value chain,and following the type and style of both the model of the GVCs embededment and independent innovation.

关 键 词: 全球价值链 升级路径 汽车零部件产业 韶关

分 类 号: [F426.471]

领  域: []


