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作  者: ;

机构地区: 韶关学院

出  处: 《宁夏社会科学》 2016年第4期151-156,共6页

摘  要: 在人类社会的后工业化进程启动之际,构建与此相适应的社会治理模式是公共行政研究必须加以关注的重心。张康之教授认为,公共行政研究需要在后工业化的历史背景下进行理论探索,需要终结公共行政的技术化倾向,从而实现实质公共性和建构合作治理模式。其中,服务型政府是合作治理体系的有机组成部分,合作治理体系中的服务型政府建设需要在政府组织形式、政府职能模式、社会治理结构等方面进行创新。 In the course of human society entering the post industrialization, how to construct the social governance model which adapt to the post industrialization becomes the focus of public administration research. Professor ZHANG Kang - zhi believes that public ad- ministration research should be carried out under the background of the post industrialization, and it is necessary to put an end to the technical tendency of public administration to achieve the realization of real public nature and cooperative governance. Therefore, the service - oriented government construction is an organic part of the cooperative governance system, within which government needs to make innovation in the form of organizations, the government function mode and the structure of social governance.

关 键 词: 后工业化 公共行政的行动主义 服务型政府 合作制组织 合作治理

分 类 号: [C916.1]

领  域: []


