作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东省文物考古研究所
出 处: 《中国园林》 2004年第6期36-39,共4页
摘 要: 通过对番禺余荫山房第一期保护规划方案的分析,探讨如何借鉴岭南传统园林中独特的造景手法与审美意蕴,使新园林在功能上满足现代游览之需,同时又注意新、老区域在风格和文化内涵上的糅合衔接,在协调与对比之间找到平衡。 Analyzing the first-stage proposal of the preservation planning for Yuyin Garden in Panyu, the author discussed how to take advantage of the landscaping techniques and recondite meanings of the Lingnan traditional gardens to allow the new garden designs to satisfy the requirements for modern visiting activities. Meanwhile care should be taken for the gentle joining up of the different styles and culture of new and old districts. The author also suggested finding the balance in harmonizing and contrasting.
分 类 号: [TU986]
领 域: []