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作  者: ;

机构地区: 顺德职业技术学院

出  处: 《沈阳农业大学学报:社会科学版》 2017年第2期251-256,共6页

摘  要: 意义通过重复得以重建,文学通过重复成就隐喻。德勒兹提出的“重复与差异”已成为现代思想中的一个重大题目,也是语言和思想特有的一股力量。苏童小说题材和创作风格变化不大,却并无雷同和沉滞感,反而有历久弥新的陌生感,这说明苏童并非进行着等价或等量的重复,而是内在差异的重复和能动的重复。重复是一种探索,作家重复或获得重复,是为了在重复时超越自我。苏童大部分作品充满挑战当下、突破自我的先锋精神,作品中的重复现象是对压抑历史的再现,是对人性褶皱的渐进挖掘,也是对现实世界认识的深化,即对“不可重复之物”的重复。关注文本实验、把握现实感是苏童近年来创作的方向,但在对现实世界的把握和对象世界的塑造上却有明显的符号化倾向,削弱了作品的表现力和震撼性。 Meanings are reconstructed by repetition and literary metaphors are created by repetition. The "Repetition and Difference" proposed by Gilles Deleuze, the late famous French philosopher, has become both a major topic in the contemporary thought and a force which is unique to language and thought. Though the themes and styles of Su Tong's fictions are not different greatly, they are everlasting rather than duplicate and rigid, which indicates his repetition is neither simple nor mechanical but differential and dynamic. Repetition is a kind of exploration. Writers repeat or obtain repetition just to go beyond themselves in repetition. Most works by Su Tong are full of the pioneer spirit of challenging the present and exceeding oneself. The repetitions in his works are the representation of the depressed history, the progressive rediscovery of humanity and the further understanding of the real world, namely, they are repeating "what can not be repeated". Paying attention to text experiments and grasping the feeling of reality is the direction in which Su Tong wrote his fictions in recent years. Nevertheless, an obvious tendency of symbolization exists in his grasping the real world and shaping the object world, which weakens the expressive force and shock power.

关 键 词: 苏童 德勒兹 重复 差异 先锋精神 记忆

分 类 号: [I206.7]

领  域: []


