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作  者: ;

机构地区: 罗定职业技术学院

出  处: 《美育学刊》 2016年第3期64-71,共8页

摘  要: 美育是德育的有效手段,是学生心理健康教育的重要途径。通过美育,可以促进学生的心理健康,预防和治疗心理疾病。当前学校的美育工作还很薄弱。要加强和改进学校美育,必须为学校美育立法,建立和完善学校美育的制度和措施;切实提升教育者的审美素养,培养他们的审美思维和美育观念;通过课堂教学、丰富多彩的游戏和活动,以及让学生欣赏校园和大自然的美等方式拓展学校美育途径。 Aesthetic education is an important means of ensuring students' mental health as w ell as an effective vehicle of intellectual and moral education.By means of aesthetic education w e can improve the students' mental health and cure and prevent their mental illnesses.Given the inadequacy of current school aesthetic education and the pressing need for improvement,w e must strengthen and improve school aesthetic education.First of all,w e must accord a rightful place to aesthetic education in schools and set up and perfect measures for its implementation;boost the aesthetic taste of the teachers and foster in them an aesthetic thinking and a conception of aesthetic education;blaze new trails for school aesthetic education such as classroom teaching,games and activities and appreciation of beauty in campuses and nature

关 键 词: 美育 立法 心理健康 审美素养

分 类 号: [G40-014]

领  域: []


