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作  者: ;

机构地区: 山东大学深圳研究院

出  处: 《浙江工商大学学报》 2016年第2期55-60,共6页

摘  要: 英国资本主义的兴起是一个漫长的历史过程。1640年爆发的英国革命既是该过程中的重要一环,也是思考英国资本主义兴起的重要切入点。自英国革命爆发至今三百多年,英国人不断寻找一种对革命与资本主义问题的合理阐释。马克思主义的历史分析方式于20世纪初传入英国,为英国人理解和解释英国革命与英国资本主义的兴起提供了崭新的视角。从英国人(尤其是英国左派)的百年探索来看,整体主义是审视英国资本主义兴起的基础性视域,马克思主义的历史唯物主义分析方式是基本手段,将资本主义兴起从单纯的经济学范畴扩展到社会范畴是必要的突破,以史为鉴和连接传统与现实是基本目的。 The rise of English capitalism is a very long historical course, during which the English revolution erupted in 1640 is a crux and critical point for the reflection on the rise of English capitalism. The British have been persistently seeking some rational interpretation of revolution and capitalism since the eruption of the British Revolution about three hundred years ago. The British people attained a set of new perspective to understand and explain the British Revolution and the rise of the English capitalism since the historical method of Marxism was introduced into Britain in the early 20'h century. In terms of the hundreds of years exploration by the English, particularly the new left, holism becomes a basic view of reviewing the rise of English capitalism; the historical method of Marxism is a basic mean; the necessary breakthrough is that causes of the rise of capitalism are expanded from simple economic category to social category and taking history as a mirror and connecting tradition With reality is the fundamental aim.

关 键 词: 英国革命 新左派 整体主义 马克思主义

分 类 号: [B03]

领  域: []


