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作  者: ;

机构地区: 韩山师范学院潮州师范分院

出  处: 《韩山师范学院学报》 2014年第4期27-33,共7页

摘  要: 方言歌谣是一地劳动人民的生活之歌,歌谣内容与该地老百姓的生活、民俗风情息息相关。潮汕方言歌谣的十二月歌叙说了潮汕岁时节令风俗和农时习俗,物产歌反映了潮汕独特的饮食文化。潮汕方言歌谣从主题内容到语言形式都折射了潮人文化心态的二重性。 Ballads are the songs of working people in a place. Their contents are closely related with the life and folk customs of the people there. The twelve-month songs of Chaoshan ballads describe the customs of different festivals and farming seasons;the verses relating to foods reflect the typical food culture in Chaoshan. The Chaoshan ballads reflect the duality of the Chaoshan people by their contents and language forms.

关 键 词: 潮汕歌谣 民俗 文化

分 类 号: [H177.2]

领  域: []


