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作  者: ;

机构地区: 大连海事大学深圳研究院

出  处: 《亚太安全与海洋研究》 2016年第4期44-56,共13页

摘  要: 2013年9月18日,为抗议俄罗斯在北极开采石油,30名国际绿色和平组织成员乘坐船旗国为荷兰的“极地曙光”号,试图登上俄罗斯的钻井平台。俄罗斯逮捕并扣押了该船只及其人员。2013年10月4日,荷兰依据《联合国海洋法公约》附件七的规定对俄罗斯提起强制仲裁。10月21日,由于仲裁庭尚未成立,荷兰依据《公约》第290条第5款的规定,请求国际海洋法庭作出临时措施的裁决。要求俄罗斯迅速释放被扣押的船只和人员。俄罗斯对此表示其不接受国际海洋法庭的管辖权,并且不出庭应诉。2013年1月22日,菲律宾对中国提起附件七仲裁,挑战中国在南海的权利。在此案中,中国也没有参加仲裁程序。本文通过介绍“极地曙光”号案和中菲南海仲裁案中对于不到庭的判决,分析国际争端解决机制对于不到庭的态度。 On 18 September 2013,in order to protest Russia' s oil drilling in Arctic,30 Greenpeace International activists who were on board the MV Arctic Sunrise( a Netherlands flagged vessel) attempted to board Russia' s oil platform. The Russian authority arrested and detained the vessel and its crew members. On 4 October 2013,the Netherlands instituted arbitral proceedings under Annex VII of UNCLOS against the Russian Federation. Pending the constitution of the arbitral tribunal,the Netherlands requested the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea( ITLOS) for the prescription of provisional measures under Article 290,paragraph 5 of UNCLOS on 21 October,for the immediate release of the vessel and its crew members. Russia declared that it does not accept the jurisdiction of the ITLOS and refused to attend the proceedings. On 22 January2013,the Government of the Philippines initiated arbitral proceedings to challenge China' s claims to sovereignty and sovereign rights over areas of the South China Sea and the underlying seabed within the 'U- Shaped Line'. China did not attend the arbitral proceedings in this case as well. This article offers an analysis of the facts and reasoning concerning non- appearance in the 'Arctic Sunrise'case and the Sino- Philippines South China Sea Arbitration. Furthermore,this article explores the views as well as attitudes of the UNCLOS dispute settlement mechanisms towards non- appearance.

关 键 词: 《联合国海洋法公约》 国际海洋法庭 附件七仲裁庭 不到庭应诉

分 类 号: [D912.4]

领  域: []


