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作  者: ;

机构地区: 大连海事大学深圳研究院

出  处: 《国际贸易问题》 2014年第1期92-98,共7页

摘  要: 据联合国商品贸易统计数据库显示,2012年,中国是韩国最大的出口市场和最大的进口来源国,韩国是中国的第四大出口市场和第二大进口市场。两国贸易规模迅速发展的同时,产业内贸易也得到较快发展。本文首先考察了1992年中韩两国建交以来两国工业制成品产业内贸易的发展状况;其次实证研究了1992-2012年两国工业制成品产业内贸易的影响因素,结论显示,韩国对华投资、中韩两国市场规模、韩中人均GDP水平差距、中国工业的规模经济是影响中韩两国产业内贸易的关键因素;最后提出了相应的政策建议。 According to UN Comtrade,China has become the largest export market and the largest import source country for South Korea.Furthermore,South Korea is the fourth largest export market and the second import for China.The scale of trade is growing rapidly,and so is the intra-industry trade between China and South Korea.This paper summarizes the development of intra-industry trade in manufactured goods between China and South Korea,and empirically tests the major influential factors of bilateral intra-industry trade of manufactured goods ranging from 1992 to 2012.The conclusion is that the FDI inflow from South Korea to China,the difference in per capita GDP between South Korea and China,the market sizes of China and South Korea and the economic scale of China’s industry are the key factors that impact the China-South Korea intra-industry trade.To conclude,this paper presents corresponding policy recommendations.

关 键 词: 产业内贸易 工业制成品 实证分析

分 类 号: [F740]

领  域: []


