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作  者: ;

机构地区: 韶关学院

出  处: 《吉首大学学报:社会科学版》 2014年第1期111-115,共5页

摘  要: 作为当代中国青年亚文化的重要表征之一,网络恶搞已成为年轻一族展示个性的一种方式。一方面,它冷视商业文化和主流意识形态,注重仪式抵抗,张扬自我;另一方面,却又无法远离商业文化和主流意识形态,其宿命的归属只能是或趋向商业化,或迎合主流意识形态,呈现出最终被收编的态势。从后现代文化的视角进行观照,“席丝”从虚拟世界进入现实生活,自有特殊的话语环境和文化归路。 As one of the most important characteristics of a non-mainstream youth culture in contemporary China,KUSO has become a way for young people to express themselves. On one hand,it focuses on ritual resistance and self-expression enhancement, keeping distance with the commercial culture and the mainstream ideology. On the other hand,it actively keeps close relationship with the com- mercial culture and the mainstream ideology. What course should KUSO follow? From the perspective of postmodern cultural theory,this paper discusses the special discourse environment of KUSO and its cul- tural path.

关 键 词: 网络恶搞 青年亚文化 抵抗 收编

分 类 号: [C913.5]

领  域: []


