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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《软科学》 2017年第6期70-75,共6页

摘  要: 以340位企业管理者作为被试,实验研究表明,性别、年龄、受教育程度、管理层级等个体特征及规模等企业特征显著影响其社会偏好;不公平厌恶偏好、竞争性偏好对其所得报酬的心理契合度与组织承诺之间的正相关关系具有正向的调节效应,而积极互惠偏好、社会福利偏好等高传统性偏好具有负向的调节效应;进一步研究表明,控制报酬心理契合度,友好型社会偏好越强,组织承诺越高;而帕累托破坏型社会偏好越强,组织承诺越低,我国企业具备建立在亲社会性偏好基础上的特殊信任结构。 This paper conductes experiments with 340 managers; results show that manager's individual characteristics and enterprise characteristics affect their social preferences significantly. Inequity aversion preference and competitive preference have positive mediating effect on the correlation of compensation-psychological fit and organizational commitment, while re- ciprocal preference, social welfare preference etc. have negative mediating effect. Further studies show that, pro-social preferences have positive correlation with organizational commitment, while des-social preferences have negative correlation. Overall, managers have obvious pro-social preferences rather than des-social preferences, which may be the special charac- teristic of trust structure in China.

关 键 词: 社会偏好 组织承诺 报酬心理契合度 心理学实验

分 类 号: [F272.92]

领  域: []


