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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《外语学刊》 2008年第1期 74-78,共5页

摘  要: 本文主要关注语言模因复制过程中产生的“变体”所导致言语幽默的特殊语用现象。本文以相声口语文本为语料,通过研究发现相声中的语言模因大都来自群众喜闻乐见的成语、谚语、俗语、诗词以及名言、名句的形式或内容。通过引入幽默乖讹理论,相声语境中出现在词、句、段乃至篇章等各个层面的语言模因都可以成为一种幽默机制。能在相声中恰到好处地产生出不和谐、不协调的乖谬现象,触发相声言语幽默。 The paper is interested in the unique pragmatic phenomenon that the verbal humor is triggered by the variations of the lan- guage memes in Chinese Comic Dialogues (henceforth CCDs). Based on the analysis of the data, it suggests that the memes that trigger the verbal humor in CCDs find their origins from meaning or forms of proverbs, catch phrases, folk adages, verses and quoted lines, which are popular among all walks of life. Moreover, by applying the incongruity theory of humor, the present pa- per holds that the verbal humor in CCDs can he possibly contributed to by the linguistic memes occurring at various levels of lan- guage, which function as humor mechanisms as well.

关 键 词: 语模因 言语幽默 乖讹理论

分 类 号: [H030]

领  域: []


