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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《山西师大学报:社会科学版》 2017年第1期30-34,共5页

摘  要: 全球化进程与传媒技术发展对人们的意识形态观念产生着重大影响。霸权国家不断采取种种手段“塑造”符合其现实利益诉求“认同”的“内涵”,使得后发展国家的民族认同陷于“破碎化”与“危机化”之中。这一态势要求我们势必努力维护自己民族文化的独立性,从重视学校教育、提升文化软实力及创新教育内容等方面加强民族文化认同教育,以激发民众的向心力,强化价值共识,增强民族凝聚力,提升国家文化安全。 Global procession and development of media technology have exerted great influence on people's ideology. Superpowers always find various means to shape identities in accordance with their own appeal of practical interests, which renders national identity of underdeveloped countries fragmented and in the state of crisis. This tendency requires us to make efforts to maintain the independence of national culture and to enhance education of national cuhureal identity in order to arouse the public's centripetal force, reinforce common recognition of value, increase national unity and promote security of national culture. All this can be achieved by stressing school education, increasing cultural soft power and innovating educational content.

关 键 词: 全球化 文化认同 认同危机 认同教育

分 类 号: [G03]

领  域: []


