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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《哲学研究》 2017年第4期36-47,共12页

摘  要: 通过考察近现代中国学者的哲学史观及其对古代“变之哲学”的特别关注,审视进化主义及其相关理论如何渗透其中并规范其核心内容、写作框架和分期模式,进而追问哲学是进化抑或是增长的,哲学的增长是否必然遵循某种发展阶段论,科学化与实证化是否可以作为哲学增长的最终目的等问题,由历史的反思而思考哲学与哲学史研究应如何消解进化主义的强烈影响,放弃“优胜劣汰,适者生存”的思想观念,转而致思于如何实现中国哲学的常与变、传统与现代的统一。 Looking back on the creation and construction of the history of Chinese philosophy qua discipline over the past hundred years,the influence of evolutionary theory has been quite profound.Modern Chinese scholars'views of philosophy,their special attention to the ancient philosophy of change,and their discussions of the relationship between the Confucian classics and pre-Qin philosophers'learning have been mostly inspired by evolutionary theory,and especially by its conception of freedom and competition.Is philosophy evolving or growing?Must its growth follow a certain series of developmental stages?Is its ultimate aim scientific and empirical?Through the investigation of works on the history of Chinese philosophy over the past hundred years,we can see firstly how the theory of evolution and related theories penetrate them,regulating their core content,their narrative framework,and their model of developmental stages,and secondly how it is necessary to consider how philosophy and its history should dispel the strong influence of evolutionism,abandoning the concept of'survival of the fittest'and thinking about how to realize the unity of tradition and modernity in Chinese philosophy.

关 键 词: 进化 中国哲学史 哲学史观 经子关系

分 类 号: [B2]

领  域: []


