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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《经济研究》 2019年第2期68-83,共16页

摘  要: 本文基于客家、广府以及福佬三个商帮的企业数据,探究海洋文化对于企业创新投入的影响。客家族群是乡土社会的典型代表,讲闽南方言的福佬族群属于典型的海洋社会,讲粤语的广府族群介乎两者之间,这三个族群在东南地区广泛分布并主要在广东形成犬牙交错的格局,使得我们可以在控制地域因素的前提下识别族群文化的影响。本文手工收集广东省的村级族群分布数据,从而匹配出中国工业企业数据库中的企业族群背景。在清代“迁海复界”的冲击之下,三大族群在特定地区临海混居,形成外生性的族群分布,基于此的实证结果显示,客家、广府、福佬企业的创新投入依次递增,表明海洋文化有利于企业创新;进一步将样本扩展至全广东的多族群区域,控制地理、经济、人口学特征等因素,只保留沿海县区、考察多族群乡镇内部差异等处理仍然支持结果的稳健性。除了直接影响,族群文化还对政府政策产生调节效应,政府补贴在海洋文化浓厚的族群区具有更显著的创新激励效果。 Innovation underpinned the Western world’s rise, and the fundamental roots of that innovation have long been a concern of scholars. As the rise of the Western world dates to the Age of Discovery, scholars have naturally focused on maritime culture. Hegel, as well as LIANG Qichao(LIANG Chi-chao), an influential scholar and reformer who lived a century ago, believed that maritime culture bred the rise of the Western world while rustic culture led to the fall of China. This paper empirically studies the effects of maritime culture on innovation in light of two important observations. First, historians have credibly argued that maritime culture flourished in southeast China, although rustic culture prevailed in the rest of China. There is thus enough cultural variation for empirical studies. Second, the effects of geography and culture in southeast China may be disconnected. There are three ethnic groups in southeast China: Hakka, Cantonese, and Hoklo. Entrepreneurs form merchant groups in accordance with ethnicity. The Hakka are a typical agrarian ethnic group, completely inheriting the rustic culture from north China, with very little historical record of overseas exploration. The Cantonese had a maritime culture, with a 2000-year history of maritime trade. However, the marine culture of the Hoklo was much more profound, generating enough trade volume to bring China’s money system into the silver standard and giving rise to armed smuggling, colonization, and large-scale emigration. These three culturally divergent ethnic groups mingled in Guangdong province, making it possible to identify the effects of culture while keeping geographic factors mostly fixed. We construct a unique village-level data set of ethnic distribution in Guangdong, and match it with the Chinese industrial enterprises database(2005—2007) by firm address. Then, we define the ethnic background of firms based on location as our explanatory variable. To test the correlation between entrepreneur ethnicity and firm location-based ethnicity, we

关 键 词: 创新 海洋文化 族群 商帮 华侨华人

分 类 号: [F270]

领  域: []


