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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《世界汉语教学》 2005年第2期71-78,共8页

摘  要: 本文以高、中、低三种汉语水平共76名外国留学生为被试,采用对判断选项为正确选项可能性的程度进行排序的实验方法,系统地探讨了词形和词义因素在留学生汉语词汇选择题选择判断中的作用.结果表明,词形和词义因素在留学生汉语词汇选择判断中发生重要作用,其作用特点与留学生的汉语水平有一定关系.本文同时还考察了与划线词词形相似词义不同的选项以及与划线词词义相似的选项在留学生汉语词汇选择判断中的干扰作用. This paper discusses systematically the effect of meaning and morphology factors on doing vocabulary multiple-choice items by overseas students. It is based on an experiment in which 76 subjects were chosen from advanced, intermediate and elementary overseas students learning Chinese and the experiment was conducted by asking the subjects to arrange the alternatives in an order according to degree of possibility. The results show that meaning and morphology factor had great influence on word choices, which is related considerably to the level of Chinese of the subject. The paper also examines the distracting effect of paranymous and synonymous distractors on the subjects from choosing the stem.

关 键 词: 词汇选择 判断 词义 词形 汉语水平 外国留学生 实验方法 汉语词汇 干扰作用 选项 可能性 选择题 相似 被试

分 类 号: [H315.9 B812.22]

领  域: [] []


