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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《中共党史研究》 2012年第4期 28-38,共11页

摘  要: 解放战争时期,中共中央和毛泽东从加强党的建设着手,建立了党内请示报告制度,并对该制度作了具体详细规定。党内请示报告制度的建立对加强当时党的建设尤其是党的组织建设起到了重要作用,巩固和发展了党的民主集中制,转变了党的干部作风,提高了干部的政策水平和领导能力,为解放战争最后胜利起到了重要作用。党内请示报告制度对当前树立党中央的权威,保证政令畅通和党的集中统一领导具有十分重要的现实意义。 During the War of Liberation, starting with the improvement of Party building, the CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong set up within the Party the system of asking higher authorities for instructions beforehand and submitting reports afterwards and laid specific and detailed regulations. The establishment of this system played an important role in strengthening the Party building, especially in its organizational building. It consolidated and developed the Party' s democratic centralism, improved the work style of Party cadres and raised their level in implementing the policies and their leadership capabilities, thus making great contribution to the winning of the final victory of the War of Liberation. This system is still of great practical significance for establishing the authority of the Party Central Committee, ensuring the smooth implementation of the central authorities ' instructions and guaranteeing the Party' s centralized and unified leadership.

关 键 词: 解放战争时期 党内请示报告制度 党的建设

分 类 号: [D231 D262.13]

领  域: [] []


