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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《中国历史地理论丛》 2018年第2期30-36,共7页

摘  要: 明嘉靖四十三年(1564年)明葡联军平灭柘林叛兵的"三门之役",是中国海防史与中葡关系史的重要议题,学界通常笼统地说此次海战的战场是在东莞虎门附近或虎门外之三门海。本文根据相关中外史料记载和舆图资料,通过细致的考证,确定其具体战场是在虎门东南之三门口内的港湾里。论文还进一步分析了柘林叛兵失利后退守三门口内港湾的原因,指出俞大猷正是抓住了柘林叛兵防守策略上的失误,巧妙地利用地理形势从容布置,指挥明葡联军顺利取得了"三门之役"的完胜。 In the forty-three years of Jiajing,Ming-Portugal allied force defeated rebel force of Zhelin in the"Sanmen Battle",it is a significant issue in history of Chinese costal defense and China-Portugal relation.Academia usually claims that the battlefield was in the Sanmen Sea which is near or outside of Humen of Dongguan.Based on Chinese and foreign historical records and maps,and through a careful textual research,the author argues that the location of the naval battle should be in the bay area in Sanmenkou,located in the south-east of Humen of Dongguan.The reason why the rebel force of Zhelin retreated into Sanmenkou is also further analyzed in this paper.Yu Dayou took advantage of the mistake made by the rebel force and geography features in Sanmenkou to win the"Sanmen Battle"with Ming-Portugal allied force.

关 键 词: 三门之役 虎门 三门口 港湾

分 类 号: [K928]

领  域: []


