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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《徐州师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2009年第1期 14-19,共6页

摘  要: 涉及澳门历史的有关地名的正确翻译与解释,是澳门史研究中值得充分关注的问题。揆诸相关史料,近代西方文献中所谓的“澳门航道”(Macao Passage)并不在澳门,而是指广州城西南的珠江后航道,即当时由广州至澳门的内河水道的一段,“澳门航道”的得名乃取其通往澳门之义。由于江阔水深,“澳门航道”成为洋商由广州取道内河航线到澳门的重要通道。当时,侨居在广州的洋商除了利用“澳门航道”南下澳门外,还在这条水道上进行划船比赛,并多少促进了当地民间造船业的发展。 Involving Geographical Names on the correct translation and interpretation of Maoao's history is fully worthy of concern in the study of the history of Macao. Based on the painstaking research on historical datum related to Macao, the paper pointed out that the so - called "Macao Passage" recorded in modern Western literature is not in Macao, but in the Pearl River of southwest in Guangzhou City, it refers to sectional inland waterway from Guangzhou to Macao at that time. Correspondingly, the paper also researched the origins of the name, start and end locations and traffic value of the "Macao Passage", as well as the rowing competition activities on the "Macao Passage" at that time.

关 键 词: 澳门 广州 澳门航道 划船比赛

分 类 号: [K204.5]

领  域: []


