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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2018年第11期75-86,共12页

摘  要: 随着信息技术的高速发展,智慧旅游成为旅游业发展的新形态之一,酒店人开始关注如何利用智慧化提高酒店绩效。但是,酒店智慧化需要高成本投入以及随技术更新换代的高维护费用,由此,其是否能提高酒店的业绩表现是一个非常值得关注的理论问题和实践难题。该研究在珠三角范围内的广州、深圳、佛山、东莞、珠海等城市随机抽取了10间高星级酒店进行问卷调查,获取了大量的第一手数据,数据分析的结果显示:酒店服务智慧化、管理智慧化、营销智慧化均对酒店业绩有积极的作用。其中,智慧化入住系统对酒店业绩中的收入以及成本费用方面影响最为显著;其次,智慧化餐饮宴会及客房服务对于酒店业绩中的利润指标影响最关键;智慧化管理对酒店业绩中的顾客和员工满意指标影响最为明显。但是,酒店在智慧化投资和建设同时需要重点考虑智慧化与人性化的结合。该结论将为高星级酒店业决定是否战略性地投资于智慧化技术或集中于某些特定领域提供决策参考。 In recent years,intelligence tourism has become one of the new forms that drive the development of tourism industry.Consequently,the concept of "intelligence"is embraced by the practitioners in the hotel industry.Influenced by the fast developing information technology,the application of intelligent services in hotels has gained increasing attention all over the world.Hotel managers have been aware of the potential benefits of using intelligent technology to advance hotel operations,such as improving efficiency,reducing energy and labor consumption,and enhancing sales performance.Generally,hotel intelligence is based on the development of information technology as well as various intelligent technology that derived from information technology.Therefore,it is of great value to investigate whether the advancement of hotel performance deserve a huge cost of investing and maintaining the application of hotel intelligence.In this sense,the associations of intelligent technology application and hotel performance need to be explored both theoretically and practically.The present study empirically examined the application of intelligence technology in the hotel industry.First, related theories and empirical research findings on the topic of hotel intelligence were reviewed systematically.Second,the researchers of this study collected surveys at 10top-ranking hotels in five cities (i.e.,Guangzhou,Shenzhen,Dongguan,Foshan,and Zhnhai)around the Pearl River Delta. Moreover,statistics techniques (i.e.,means comparison,confirmatory factor analysis,correlation analysis,and multiple regression analysis)were employed to analyze the data with the aid of SPSS 19.0.First of all,on the basis of the first-hand data,it was found that the hotel intelligence can be divided into three levels.The first level is the hotel service intelligent module,including the front desk system,restaurant and banquet management system,intelligent conference system,and information technology with customers.The second level is the hotel management intellige

关 键 词: 高星级酒店 智慧酒店 智慧化 酒店业绩 珠三角 地区

分 类 号: [F59]

领  域: []


