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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《中国人口科学》 2013年第6期91-101,共11页

摘  要: 文章在阐释积分制实施背景的基础上,利用深圳市2010年至今的相关数据分析发现,积分制入户“门槛”中有关学历和年龄的要求逐年提高;积分制在引导人口合理、有序流动,改善城市户籍人口与非户籍人口“倒挂”现象和优化人口内部年龄结构的同时,倾向于吸纳高学历、高技能及40岁以下的流动人口;越来越多的流动人口在居住地长期停留,人口的流动方式由“个体流动”向“家庭化迁移”的转变进程加快。文章指出,积分制也存在着某些积分指标设计有待完善与内部程序规定滞后等问题,政府应以吸引、容纳、服务人口为中心,把推进“积分入户”与推进“基本公共服务”均等化相结合,完善积分制的指标设计和管理程序,共同分享现代化成果。 Based on the background of implementation of the score system,this paper finds that the threshold of required qualifications and age in the score system has been gradually raised annually according to the data of Shenzhen since 2010.The score system can guide rational and orderly flow of population,change the inversion of the household population to non-household population,and optimize the age structure of the population.Meanwhile,it tends to absorb the floating population who are highly educated,highly skilled and under age 40.Due to increasingly floating Population living in the residence for a long time,the migration process transfers from individual migration to family-oriented migration.The paper points out that there are also some problems in the score system,such as imperfect design of scoring index and delayed regulation for internal procedure,and so on.The government should aim to attract,accommodate and serve fhe population,and simultaneously promote both score system served in household and equal treatments for basic public service.In addition,the government needs to improve the scoring index and management process of fhe score system,so that all people can share the achievements of modernisation.

关 键 词: 流动人口 积分制 户籍制度 深圳市

分 类 号: [F062.6]

领  域: []


