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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《心理发展与教育》 2005年第2期 87-91,共5页

摘  要: 用问卷法对431名初中生的精神信仰状况进行调查,发现初中生的精神信仰特点如下:(1)总体状况表现为社会信仰最强、实用信仰次之、超自然信仰最弱.在7个信仰维度上的信仰程度由强到弱依次为国家民族、政治信仰、家庭主义、生命崇拜、宗教信仰、金钱物质、神灵崇拜;(2)男生比女生更看重政治信仰和金钱物质,女生比男生具有更高的宗教信仰;(3)初三年级学生的金钱物质和生命崇拜的信仰程度最高,初二年级次之,初一年级最弱;(4)非学生干部比学生干部具有更强的金钱物质信仰;(5)团员的政治信仰程度高于非团员;(6)学习成绩为上等的学生对国家民族的信仰程度高于学习成绩为中等和下等的学生,学习成绩为下等的学生对金钱物质的信仰程度高于学习成绩为上等和中等的学生. 431 junior high school students were measured on their spiritual belief. The results showed: (1) Social belief ranked the first, pragmatistic belief the second, and supernatural belief the last. The rank (from high to low) of the seven belief domains was country-nation, political belief, familism, life worship, religion belief, money substance and supernatural belief. (2) Boys got higher scores than girls in political belief and money substance. Girls had higher religion belief than boys;(3) On money substance and life worship, students in grade 9 ranked the first, grade 8 second and grade 7 the last. (4) Non-student leaders got higher scores than leaders on money substance. (5) Young pioneers got higher scores than non- pioneers on political belief. (6) Students whose achievements were crackajack got the highest scores than students whose achievements were medium and third-rate on country-national. Students whose achievements were third-rate got the highest scores than students whose achievements were medium and crackajack on money substance.

关 键 词: 精神信仰 初中生 现状研究 学习成绩 政治信仰 生命崇拜 宗教信仰 学生干部 信仰状况 社会信仰 总体状况 家庭主义 神灵崇拜 初三年级 初一年级 物质 金钱 问卷法 超自然 民族 国家 女生 男生 团员 中等 初二

分 类 号: [G635.5 C912.64]

领  域: [] []


