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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《中国特殊教育》 2006年第6期 82-87,共6页

摘  要: 文章运用问卷法对431名中学生的学校生活质量进行测量,考察中学生学校生活质量的特点并比较了不同亚群中学生学校生活质量的差异。结果发现:(1)中学生在七个学校生活质量维度的均值排列顺序由高到低依次为:师生关系、机会、社群关系、整体满足感、经历、成就感、负面情感;(2)学习成绩为下等的学生负面情感显著多于学习成绩为上等的学生;人缘越好的中学生负面情感越少;中学生在除负面情感以外的各学校生活质量维度上呈现出人缘越好生活质量越高的特点;(3)不论在何种家庭类型的学生亚群体中,均呈现出负面情感随家庭关系融洽程度的提高而减少,其他维度的生活质量随家庭关系融洽度的提高而提高的总体趋势。在家庭关系为不融洽、一般和融洽的学生亚群体中,核心家庭的学生都倾向于对其学校生活质量做出较高的评价。在家庭关系很融洽的学生亚群体中,几代同堂家庭的学生倾向于对其学校生活质量做出较高的评价。 431 middle school students' quality of school life is measured using Quality of School Life Scale (QSLS) to explore the characteristics of students' school life and compare the differences of school life quality among different subgroups of middle school students. The results show that: (1) The rank (from high to low) of the seven belief domains of QSKS is teacher - student relationship, opportunity, social integration, general satisfaction, experience, sense of success and negative emotions; (2) Students whose academic achievements are third - rate get higher scores than students whose achievements are crackajack in negative emotions. Students with better personal relations with others have less negative emotions. With improved personal relations with others, students have higher quality of school life in all the dimensions except negative emotions; (3) Negative emotions are less as the improvement of familial relations, while life quality of other dimensions is improved as the improvement of familial relations among subgroup students in any type of family. Students who come from nuclear family all tend to give higher estimation to the quality of their school life among students whose familial relations are unharmonious, ecumenic and harmonious. Students who live in the family with several generations together tend to give higher estimation to the quality of their school life among students whose familial relations are harmonious.

关 键 词: 中学生 学校生活质量 亚群体

分 类 号: [B844.1]

领  域: []


