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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《五邑大学学报:社会科学版》 2019年第2期75-79,94共6页

摘  要: 清代戏曲家李渔所著之《笠翁对韵》是学习古典诗词的重要启蒙读物,如今也成为了语文新课标同步阅读读物。然而目前的各种版本中存在不少异文,如果不加以整理和讨论,则会造成以讹传讹、谬误流传的不良后果。选择十则《笠翁对韵》中的异文加以分析,从典故、语义、语法、音韵等角度展开探讨,以求得到比较合理的结论。 As an important prime reader for learning poetry in ancient China, Li Weng Dui Yun by the famous Dramatist Li Yu of the?Qing?Dynasty, has also become a synchronous complementary reader listed in the Chinese language curriculum. However, there are many variants in various versions at present. If they are not sorted out and discussed, they will result in spreading errors and fallacies.This paper analyzes ten pieces of different texts of Li Weng Dui Yun(笠翁对韵)from the perspectives of semantics, allusions, grammar and phonologyso as to reach a reasonable conclusion.

关 键 词: 笠翁对韵 异文 押韵 语法 词义 典故

分 类 号: [H109.2]

领  域: []


