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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《湖南工业职业技术学院学报》 2017年第1期65-68,共4页

摘  要: 《左传》成公十四年有“不内酌饮”之句,杨伯峻注引杨树达说法认为此“酌饮”与定公四年之“勺饮”同,同时又指出此“勺饮”乃古代丧仪之“疏食饮水”,与《左氏会笺》看法相同。实际两处“勺饮”皆“一勺之饮”之义,强调姜氏和申包胥因为愤怒或悲伤连水都饮不下去,与丧仪没有直接关联。杨注采各家之说自相矛盾。 There is a term of "bunazhuoyin" in the fourteenth year of LuZhuangGong of Zuo Zhuan. Yang Bojun proposed his explanation quoted from Yang Shuda that this "zhuoyin" is the same as "shaoyin" of the fourth year of LuDingGong. But Yang Bojun also explained that "shaoyin" was related to the "shushiyinshui" of funeral ceremony, which was the same idea of Zuo Shi Hui Jian.In fact, the meaning of "zhuoyin"and "shaoyin"is a spoon of water, which emphasizes the anger and the sadness of JiangShi and ShenBaoXu. The explanation of Yang Bojun is contradictory.

关 键 词: 勺饮 酌饮 丧仪 杨伯峻 《左传》

分 类 号: [K225.04]

领  域: []


