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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《自然辩证法通讯》 2019年第5期73-79,共7页

摘  要: 在近代中国地方志编纂的历史进程中,自然科学的作用日益增强,深刻影响了地方志的发展,促进了中国地方志的重大转型。其中,近代自然科学技术在我国地方志编纂中的广泛应用,推动了方志编纂技术与方法的革新。自然科学人才对修志工作的积极参与,加强了地方志编纂人才队伍的建设。自然科学方法对修志工作的大力指导,实现了方志体例、类目、内容等的创新。而在自然科学理念的深刻影响下,方志学的重心从重视'编纂之学'向以'专门学问'为旨归转变,从而有力推动了方志学学科的构建。 The extensive application of modern science and technology in the compilation of local gazetteers in modern China promoted innovation in compiling techniques and methods.The active participation of professionals trained in natural sciences brought about a contingent of qualified compilers of local gazetteers.The use of the scientific method provided guidance in the work of revising the local records,and achieved innovation in terms of their style,category,and content.Under the profound influence of the concepts from natural science,the focus of gazetteer studies shifted from'compiling science'to'specialized knowledge',which promoted the development of the discipline of gazetteer studies and demonstrated the important influence of modern science on the transformation and development of Chinese local gazetteers.

关 键 词: 自然科学 中国地方志 方志学

分 类 号: [K29;N09]

领  域: []


