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作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方科技大学

出  处: 《考古》 2010年第1期23-35,共13页

摘  要: 商代建筑基址集中发现于安阳殷墟、郑州商城、偃师商城三处商王朝都邑,其他还清理过商代建筑基址的遗址还有郑州小双桥遗址、洹北商城遗址、湖北盘龙城遗址、山东平阴朱家桥遗址等。也曾有多位学者根据考古发现的地下遗迹尝试复原商代建筑。 Based on the status seen in the excavation and the relevant remains unearthed, this paper tries to make a preliminary restoration to the architectural foundations nos. 1 and 2 in the palace area of the Huanbei City Site of the Shang Dynasty. The restoration research shows that foundation site no. 1 was a large-scale quadrangle with east and west wings, the main hall of which had ten bays in the facade and porch with colonnade, and small annexes on both sides ; the south side of the quadrangle was a roofed corridor in the middle of which a doorway with guardhouse was opened. Foundation site no. 2 was also a quadrangle but the detailed designing was slightly different: the main hall had four bays on the facade and was surrounded by porches on all sides, and had small annexes on east and west sides, but it did not have wings instead of which roofed corridors were built on east, south and west sides. Both architectural complexes were designed as "isolated outward and opening inward" arrangements. This paper also makes inferences on the thickness and building methods of the wattle-and-daub walls.

关 键 词: 河南 安阳市 洹北商城 宫殿 一号 二号基址 复原研究

分 类 号: [K874 K878.3]

领  域: [] []


