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作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方科技大学

出  处: 《考古》 2011年第2期53-61,共9页

摘  要: 江西萍乡的田中古城至少历经西周、春秋两个时期,其考古学文化背景是江西印纹陶文化。虽然该城的国属难以考订,但其族属应与"百越"相关。该城的衰落,很可能是楚国南侵所致。城址的废弃或将楚国势力跨过长沙向南发展并进至株洲、澧陵一线的时间确立在公元前550年前后。该城址是春秋时期楚文化与百越文化接触与融合的见证。 The Tianzhong Ancient City at least witnessed the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring-and-Autumn Period,and its archaeological background is the Stamped Pottery Culture in Jiangxi Province. It is hard to confirm its state attribution but its ethnic attribution would be the "Bai Yue (the ancient Yue People in South China)". The decline of this city might be caused by the southward invasion of the Chu State. Its abandonment might define the date of the southward expansion of the Chu State across Changsha and reaching the line from Zhuzhou to Liling around 550 BC. It is the evidence of the contact and fusion of the Chu Culture and the Bai Yue Culture in the Spring-and-Autumn Period.

关 键 词: 田中古城 印纹陶文化 百越

分 类 号: [K928.71]

领  域: []


