作 者: ;
机构地区: 南方科技大学
出 处: 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 2014年第4期5-11,17共8页
摘 要: 全球化和多元化对许多国家的发展带来重要影响,同时也要求这些国家的教育适应其人口多元化的发展.过去60年英国也在致力于探寻一条适应其人口多元化发展的路径.人口的多元化发展,不仅要求课程设置进行改革,也要求教师培养方式的转变.然而这种由人口多元化带来的差异与统一的国家和公民身份融合仍显得比较困难. Globalization and Mnlticulturalism are having a major impact on many nations and this is requiring them to provide relevant education for their multicnltural populations. Over the past sixty years Britain has struggled to fred a meaningful way forward as its population has changed significantly. This has required not only changes to the curricula but also new patterns of training for teachers in order to help them cope with the diversity of students in the classroom. Neverthe- less, this has not been without its difficulties as the celebration of diversity should not take away from a common sense of national identity and citizenship.
分 类 号: [G510]
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