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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州美术学院

出  处: 《新建筑》 2006年第2期4-8,共5页

摘  要: 空间形式作为一种独特的形式语言,是建筑创造不可或缺的物质表达方式。如何在从“建筑”到“建筑”的学习之外,引入对其他艺术形式的文本阅读与研究,培养学生形成自身独特的空间语言创造力和思维方式是近几年来在教学实践中探索的一个方向。主要对两个课程中从电影文本的阅读到空间形式生成的介绍,通过对电影情节,内容及结构的分析,启发学生寻找个人认知问题的视角,研究问题的方法,并将之转化为空间形式语言的表达及具体场地的应用和物件的生成。它既是对培养从研究,形式模型的生成到具体应用的思维过程的总结,同时也是对这一课程的反思。 The article discusses how to improve creative thinking of students and to open up the possibilities of spatial formation in design course.The form of space,as a particular language,is a materialized means to convey architectural creation and ideas.At the aim of stimulating students to find their own way to create form and space.the author introduced studying other art forms in the training in the last four years.This article is focused n two cases——from"reading"films to formation of space-in a senes of the course .Through analyzing the scenario,content and structure of the films.the course encourages the students to formulate their own questions,to ligure out their own approaches.to bring thern into spatial formation.and to transform it into a site or an object.Instead of being an introduction or a summary,it is a review of the course that emphasizes the design process from studying a text,to generating a formal model,and to applying the model to a context.

关 键 词: 文本阅读 电影 研究 空间形式 可能性

分 类 号: [TU-024]

领  域: []


