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出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社

出版日期: 2014.08

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东职业技术学院

出  处: 《河北经贸大学学报:综合版》 2018年第2期86-91,共6页

摘  要: 应用信息技术扩大优质教育资源覆盖面,建成互联互通的教育资源公共服务平台,以此为支撑促进教学评价和教研方式转变。借助互联网技术构建科学合理高仿真的"教学公司",设计Game-based、基于"云平台"和"大数据"的国际商务谈判实践教学"(涉外)商贸云平台",打造"政、校、企"联动育人生态系统,共同承担跨界人才培养的社会责任和历史使命,实现人才培养社会责任公担、资源共建共享的多赢目标。 We will use information technology to expand the coverage of high-quality education resources and build an interconnected education resource public service platform to support the transformation of teaching evaluation and teaching research methods. Using Internet technology to build scientific and reasonable emulational teaching company, design the Game-based international business negotiation practice teaching "(foreign) trade cloud platform based on "cloud platform" and "big data",build the linkage education ecological system of government,schools and enterprises,commonly undertake social responsibility and historical mission of crossover talents cultivation,and implement multi-win goals of social responsibility quintal of talent training,and the co-construction and sharing of resources.

关 键 词: 一带一路 互联网+教育 行动导向 角色 云平台

分 类 号: [G642]

领  域: []


