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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东水利电力职业技术学院

出  处: 《外语学刊》 2010年第4期 135-138,共4页

摘  要: 据文字记载,西方翻译实践和理论研究历时已愈两千多年。文章梳理西方古代、现代、当代译者的翻译实践和理论,得出结论:西方古代译语文化取向的意译同化翻译策略一直是主流。西方现代翻译理论以尤金·奈达(Eugene A.Nida)的交际学翻译理论和社会符号学翻译理论为代表,奈达的动态对等翻译思想的着眼点是消除语言和文化之间的差异,以适应译语读者。文章对近二三十年西方从文化角度研究翻译这一热点进行研究,结果发现西方文化翻译理论研究转向的理论标识是操控学派翻译理论、多元系统论翻译理论、描写学派翻译理论、解构主义翻译理论、后殖民主义翻译理论和女性(权)主义翻译理论等,导致风靡西方翻译理论界的翻译研究文化转向的真正原因是翻译学研究与文化学研究同时兴起的合力所致。 Written records show studies of translation theory and practice in the West,have been going on for the past 2000 years.This paper discusses the translation theories and practice in the West of the ancient,modern and contemporary translators and on this basis,draws a conclusion that the domestication strategy of free translation of the orientation of target cultures in the ancient West was always the mainstream.The modern Western translation theory is represented by Eugene A Nida's communication translation theory and social semiotic translation theory,and the focus of Nida's dynamic equivalence translation ideas is on eliminating the difference between language and culture to adapt the target readers.This paper also makes a survey regarding the hot issue of translation studies being carried on from the perspective of culture in the West in the recent 20-30 years only to find out the theorectical indications of the culture turn of translation studies in the West are manipulation translation theory,polysystem translation theory,descriptive school's translation theory,deconstructionist translation theory,postcolonial translation theory,feminist translation theory and so on,and the real reason why the culture turn of translation studies in the West occurred is the result from the joint forces of the simultaneous rise of translatology studies and cultural studies.

关 键 词: 西方翻译 文化取向 差异初识 文化转向

分 类 号: [H319.5]

领  域: []


