作 者: ;
机构地区: 深圳大学
出 处: 《课程.教材.教法》 2012年第5期 8-14,共7页
摘 要: 十年校本课程开发取得了明显的成绩,但也出现一些需要探讨的问题,其中基本问题有三个:为谁开发,谁来开发,怎样开发。校本课程开发需要追求学生获得,从“校本”走向“学本”;需要提升学校课程领导力,走向合作的课程领导;需要明晰“三级”“三类”课程之间的关系,走向转化生成,同时主动接纳“地方”,促进学校课程发展。 Significant achievements have been achieved in school-based curriculum development during the last ten years. However, some issues still need to be explored, of which the three basic ones are for whom, by whom, and how to develop the curriculum. Firstly, we should put emphasis on what students get in school- based curriculum development and facilitate the shift from "school-based" to "learning-oriented". Then, the capacity of school curriculum leadership should be improved, which seeks to the cooperation of curriculum leadership. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the relationships between the "three levels of curriculum" and "three classes of curriculum", which can lead to the curriculum transformation and generation. At last, local environment should be taken into count to prompt the development of school-based curriculum development.
分 类 号: [G423.02]
领 域: []