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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学

出  处: 《和平与发展》 2015年第6期101-113,共13页

摘  要: 近年缅甸实施民主改革以来,民选政府及执政的巩发党对缅甸的外交政策作出了很大调整,尤其是缅甸如何在中美之间作出取舍成为国际瞩目的焦点。本文从缅甸民主改革的背景及内容出发,通过分析改革过程中影响其外交政策的诸多内外因素,进而对2015年民盟胜选后未来的外交走向作出基本判断,从而为正确处理中缅关系、维护中缅友好合作的大局提供参考。 Since the democratic reform in 2009, the Myanmar government and its ruling party Union Solidarity and Development Party(USDP) have made major adjustments to Myanmar foreign policy, and it became the focus of international attention to see how Myanmar will make its choice between China and the US. Based on the background and contents of Myanmar democratic reform, and by analyzing the internal and external factors that affect its foreign policy in the process of reform, this article tries to make some basic judgments to the future diplomatic trends of Myanmar after Aung San Suu Kyi's 'National League for Democracy'(NLD) winning a landslide victory in the general election in November 2015, so as to provide references for properly handling bilateral relations, and maintaining friendly cooperation between China and Myanmar.

关 键 词: 缅甸 民主改革 外交走向 影响因素

分 类 号: [D815]

领  域: []


