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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学

出  处: 《南亚研究》 2019年第3期73-105,153-154共35页

摘  要: 南亚地区始终是印度外交政策的优先方向,印度对外援助政策也主要集中于南亚国家及地区。冷战期间,印度的南亚外交政策目标在于建立和确保其在南亚的主导地位,其南亚援助政策带有强烈的霸权色彩。冷战后,印度的南亚外交政策开始在确保南亚主导地位的前提下,推行改善与邻国关系的睦邻政策,即“古杰拉尔主义”,秉持着“睦邻友好,不求相应回报”的理念,其南亚援助政策也开始面向更大范围的南亚邻国。莫迪政府执政以来外交政策更为积极,更加注重地区外交政策,坚持“印度第一,邻国优先”的理念,形成了带有亲和色彩的“莫迪主义”,其南亚援助政策更积极有为。随着印度南亚外交政策理念的发展变化,印度的南亚援助有了多元化的趋势,逐渐形成了一个以“三圈层式”的双边援助为中心,辅之以南亚区域多边援助为支点的周边对外援助模型。印度2019年大选尘埃落定,新一任政府的南亚政策是否会有所变化,南亚援助政策是否会受到影响,未来印度南亚援助政策的发展新方向会是什么,值得我们思考。因此,总结分析冷战后印度南亚援助政策的变化,有利于我们更好地窥见印度南亚政策的利益关联,更好地推动“一带一路”在南亚的开展。 India has always seen South Asia as its exclusive sphere of influence,and the region thus represents the priority for India ’ s foreign policy.Given that India ’ s foreign aid serves its foreign policy objectives,it comes as no surprise that Indian aid concentrates on the countries of South Asia.During the Cold War,India ’ s foreign policy sought to establish and maintain its dominant status in the region,and its aid policy towards the region exhibited clears signs of hegemony.After the Cold War,India ’ s aid policy towards the region functioned to strengthen amicable relations with its neighbors,premised on the assumption that it would retain its dominant status.This represented a shift from the principle of “Gujralism” to a principle characterized by the saying “friendly neighbors don ’ t seek anything in return”.As part of this shift,India also began providing aid to a broader range of South Asian countries.Since the beginning of the Modi Administration,its foreign policy has become much more proactive,with more of a focus outside of the region,adopting a concept of “India first,priority to neighbors”.Referred to as “Modi-ism,”this approach is characterized by an aid policy that emphasizes a more active role in South Asia.As India ’ s policy principles towards South Asia have developed,Indian aid towards South Asia has become much more diverse,and gradually a three-layered model of bilateral aid has emerged at the center,which is supplemented by multi-lateral aid mechanisms that reach out to other neighboring countries.In the wake of the 2019 elections,it is important to consider whether India ’ s policy towards South Asia will change,whether its aid policy will be impacted,and the specific directions that its aid policy towards the region will take.In summary,understanding changes in India ’ s Post-Cold War aid policy towards South Asia gives us a view into its corresponding interests in the region,which places us in a better position to advance the development of the Belt and

关 键 词: 印度 南亚援助政策 莫迪主义 “一带一路” “三圈层式”援助

分 类 号: [D820]

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