作 者: ;
机构地区: 嘉应学院
出 处: 《南京体育学院学报:社会科学版》 2009年第3期 22-26,共5页
摘 要: 当前,退役运动员就业安置困难是各优秀运动队普遍面临的问题,而运动员职业技能与文化教育缺失是其根本原因。对此,有关部门对运动员采取了多种文化教育形式以期解决这一难题,但在实际操作中却存在诸多局限,致使退役运动员就业安置也一直难有突破性进展。实施以就业为目标指向的职业教育对于职业技能与文化教育缺失的运动员而言,无疑是一方“灵药”,能使运动员在提高文化水平的同时获得一技之长,并最终使退役运动员就业安置难的问题得到“标本兼治”。 Currently, the difficuhness of employment placement for the retired athletes is the generally problems for the top sports teams, and the primary cause is that they are short of education and professional skill. Regarding this, the relevant departments have taken many kinds of education form to the athletes to solve the problems, but in practice there are a number of limitations, resulting in the employment placement for the retired athletes have been difficult to have a breakthrough. It is a good measures for the athletes who are short of education and professional skill to implement vocational education as its goal direction to obtain employment, which will enable the athletes to gain literacy and professional skill at the same time, ultimately, to solve the problem of the employment placement for the top retired athletes by "both temporary and permanent cures".
分 类 号: [G80-05]
领 域: []