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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东白云学院

出  处: 《伦理学研究》 2008年第5期 92-95,100,共5页

摘  要: 在魏晋玄学中,王溺的哲学思想起了奠基者的意义,他的哲学比较好地表达了魏晋玄学的主题,也比较好地实现了儒道思想的会通;既建立了自己本体论哲学,也很好地表达了自己的现实关怀以及价值主张。与19世纪德国古典哲学中的康德思想比较,存有许多相通之处。康德是德国古典哲学的奠基人,他的自由境界、道德追求以及价值取向和魏晋玄学有许多可比性,因此在一定意义上就构成了两者超越时空的对话。 Wang Bi's philosophy played a founder role in the metaphysics of the Wei jin Dynasty. His thought reflects the Wei jin metaphysics‘ theme and combines Confucianism with Daoism. He formed his ontology, and took care of the world and expressed his view of value. There are many same things in Wang Bi's thought and Kant,. Kant is a founder of classical philosophy of Germany in the nineteenth century. This paper holds that their thoughts may be communicated by comparative study because Kant idea of freedom, ideal of morality and his attitude of value are similar to Wang Bi's.

关 键 词: 崇本息末 崇本举末 消极自由 积极自由 以无为本 信仰上帝

分 类 号: [B82-09]

领  域: []


